Nová Baňa Town Fortifications

One would think living in a free royal mining town was easy. However, the opposite was true. The wealth brought mainly suffering to me.


I faced a plunder of the Hussites, Jagiellonian troops, Turks. The uprisings against the ruler and the Dóczys hurt me. From so many wounds, today I don’t even remember if I had any defensive walls at all. Only the town hall building has been preserved. In the past, it served as a fortress and a royal house, and a moat was said to be built around it.

During the Turkish riots, the Turks occupied Nová Baňa. They housed their horses in the parish church. The hospital church was turned into a mosque. As a sign of unrelenting cruelty, as they were leaving, they burned down the parish church, which was not restored until the beginning of the 18th century.


Where did the church bells disappear? And why can bells be heard at the town hall?

We will tell you a short story…


Anticipating the worst, the townspeople, the mayor and the pastor quickly took down the bells from the church and hid them, along with other valuables, in a dry well by the church. They marked the secret place on a map which they hid very well. Bad times soon came.


In 1664, the Turks ruthlessly plundered Nová Baňa. No stone was left unturned. The enraged Turks searched the entire town but never found any gold or jewellery. They executed the townspeople and the mayor mercilessly. And what happened to the treasure? The Turks did not find it, nor did the treasure hunters. In the 20th century, the planned excavation work was interrupted due to the First World War, and since then no one has yet been able to find the treasure.

How do you get there?


Nová Baňa Town Fortifications