Rudno Castle

If you have good vision, you will see me. I was named after the village of Rudno nad Hronom, above which I proudly sit. It is said that my construction was initiated by the nobles of Kalná, who are mentioned as my local owners in a record from 1283.


Although I had a short existence, I enjoyed life to the fullest. Even today, the best pieces remain of me, such as the remains of the defence tower and the palace and the earthen mound with a moat.

What you may not know about me

The hill, on which Rudno Castle once towered, is said to have been named after a soldier Ivanek, who petrified here when they forgot to change him on guard.


As early as the 19th century, the castle was the target of various “gold diggers” who were fascinated by the stories of the locals about the unidentified treasure. However, their amateur excavations caused damage to the castle’s remains. And this interest has not died down even now, when various metal detectors help the searchers.


The most common finds were cartridges from World War II, as a partisan hid on the castle hill during the Slovak National Uprising. He allegedly even engraved his name on a stone from the former fortifications.

How do you get there?

You can get to Rudno Castle from the church in the village of Rudno nad Hronom along the red-marked route. It deviates from the asphalt road to the forest, from where you will continue along a steep slope to Ivankovo Hill where the remains of the former castle are located.


Rudno Castle