Gothic Route
GEMER and MALOHONT subregions

Gothic Route

Today’s Gemer and Malohont subregions were called the “Iron Heart of Hungary” in the past. After the great fame of the rich and prosperous region, an unprecedented silence reigned herein. Noisy mining machines and noble feasts have passed, not even the sound of weapons and neighing of horses can be heard. So as the whole region was pricked by a cursed spindle and fell asleep just like Sleeping Beauty in the fairy tale. Fortunately, unprecedented wealth remained here from the region’s bloom.

The beautiful churches and their unique murals are still the undiscovered pride not only of the Gemer-Malohont region, but also of the whole of Slovakia.


Come to discover them with us, it’s worth it!

Churches are not ordinarily open to the public. However, they open their doors regularly during organized events. Some of the churches have fixed opening hours during the summer season.

We will keep you informed about planned events and possibility to visit the temples as well as opening hours during the summer season as soon as we have up-to-date information.
Follow us on our website or our Facebook Za horami, za dolami

The Gothic Route is made up of 4 circuits: Štítnik circuit, Jelšava circuit, Rimava circuit, Rožňava circuit

In the map below, we bring you a set of 12 medieval churches of the Gemer-Malohont Gothic Route,
holder of the European Heritage Label:

  • Štítnik circuit: Štítnik, Ochtiná, Koceľovce, Plešivec
  • Jelšava circuit: Chyžné, Kameňany, Rákoš, Šivetice
  • Rimava circuit: Kraskovo, Kyjatice, Rimavská Baňa, Rimavské Brezovo

Detailed information about individual churches can be found by clicking on the individual circuits and then clicking on the map part of the given circuit in the interactive map of Outdoor Active. After opening the detailed map of circuit and clicking on a specific church, the required information will be displayed.

European Heritage Label

The subregion Gemer is full of undiscovered gems. One of them are medieval wall paintings in churches created by the Italian fresco technique. Our aim is to gain the European Heritage label for 12 sites with medieval frescoes. The label presents to the public those monuments that took an important role in the building and development of Europe.

Prosperous mining and local aristocrats with contacts all over the Europe caused that many nationalities were meeting on then territory of Gemer: German miners, Wallachians, Hungarian aristocrats and even Italian artists.

The Bebek family invited them to the region to decorate the churches in Plešivec and Štítnik. These churches then became a model for other home craftsmen and artists who also decorated the other churches and thus created a unique collection of art, which is rarely found beyond the Alps except in old Hungary. The unique paintings are by experts declared as frescoes of the Italian school.
Some scenes can be found only in churches in Gemer and in Italy, nowhere else.

For more information visit:

Frescoes of Gemer and Malohont

Implemented with the financial support of International Visegrad Fund

IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD: 01/10/2022- 29/02/2024

Short description of the project

The project will build on the successful nomination of medieval murals by 12 rural churches in the Gemer and Malohont regions for the European Heritage Label. The main idea is to create a current presentation of historical heritage , which will be safer for the monuments , but also economically and environmentally sustainable. With a socially responsible presentation, we will focus on the involvement of the local community and cooperation with national and international institutions. The project targets young people, virtual visitors and locals to create a positive relationship with the region.

Project partners

Association Gotická cesta

OLOMOUC MUSEUM OF ART, Archdiocesan Museum

Federation of Jewish communities ofHungary, Dohány Street Synagogue Complex

Regional destination management organization GEMER

Professional supervision

Monument Office ofthe Slovak Republic